
We Welcome you to submit your Creations: Writings, Art, Photos,all the ways we interact with this World through our Spiritual endeavors.

Submit Today your Musings to share!

Each of us a single drop in this vast Universe

We are all connected to one another on this Wyrd Web of these Worlds

Each voice singing in chorus, resonating together we Circle Outward

One drop creates a wave across the web of our Community

One by one each drop becomes a Puddle, then a River, then a Mighty Sea!

Maine Pagan Voices


Every morning I am blessed to immerse myself in the

peaceful and meditative sounds of nature.

As I sit in the early morning sun, I am washed

over by stillness and serenity.

Gaia (Mother Earth) speaks to me in the wind

caressing my face and reminds me that my connection

with Her is paramount to all other endeavors in my day.

From Her I derive strength, power, energy and

She cleanses me.

She accepts all I need to release through

my grounding deep into Her center.

Debra A. Krieger~Hippie-Witch

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